Sunday, September 4, 2011
Patton Museum
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Still Waters Campground
- lots of soft grass to play in and picnic in
- we were the only ones in the creek
- the kids enjoyed finding the fish and crawdads (ok, only a couple of them enjoyed the crawdads. The others took some convincing that they were harmless)
- alternating shallow and semi deep water. Plenty of room for beginning swimmers but other places for older kids
- bathrooms and showers on site
- picturesque and peaceful!
Friday, June 10, 2011
County Fair
Shillito Park
Monday, May 23, 2011
Upcoming Summer Events
- Salato Wildlife Park
- Friday Night Flicks (of course!)
- Ride the Duck
- Elizabeth town and the Coca Cola Museum
- Kings Island
- Hiking at High Bridge
- Mammoth Cave
- Tour of Frankfort
- Land Between the Lakes and Natural Bridge
- Blueberry, Pancakes and Daylilies Jubilee in Paris
- McConnell Springs
- Hiking in the Daniel Boone National Forest
- Shop at the Longest Yard Sale (
- A trip to Washington D.C.- but that doesn't really count because it isn't in KY.
Of course, we will also have a large helping of trips to the local libraries and public pools. We also didn't pencil in any star gazing, firefly catching, fishing in our pond, lemonade stands, or fireworks on the 4th of July. I also promised my kids I would take them to the cemetary down the street so they could do some rubbings of the headstones that are too old to read. (Kind of creepy I know, but hey- what the heck?)
So there you go- our summer plans. What are yours? I can't wait to get started!
Friday, May 20, 2011
Newport Aquarium
Cost: Pricey!! $140 for my family of 8
Suitable Ages: All
Last weekend we went to Newport to visit the aquarium. I read online that it was a good aquarium but not worth the price and I wholeheartedly agree with that sentiment. It was a fun day and I am glad we went- once.
First for the good points:
- The animals were all easy to see
- The sea turtle and sharks were awesome!
- The jellyfish display was fun and interactive
- You can pet sharks, rays and sea stars
- The shark tunnels were neat
Now for the list of downers:
- PRICE! PRICE! PRICE!!!! Did I mention it was expensive? Totally not worth the cost.
- CROWDED!!! There were times when we literally couldn't walk because of the mass of people. I got clausterphobic on a number of different occasions.
- The penguin show was a joke. They hyped it up to be an amazing show but in reality it was one middle aged woman dressed in a funny tuxedo costume talking to an animated penguin on a 48' screen television. Don't waste your time waiting for it.
- The staff was rude. We literally got yelled at by some 19 yr old kid for not reading a sign. Had there been less people, I might have been able to SEE the sign but some brilliant designer put the sign at knee level. So if you DO go, FYI- DON'T STAND ON THE LEDGE !!!
I would NOT recommend going to the aquarium. You won't be missing anything worthy of $25 admission, that's for sure! There are plenty of other aquariums more deserving of your money.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Camp Nelson
Suitable Ages: All
Cost: Free
The boys take a break from exploring
It is humbling to see just this small portion of the men who died during the Civil War.
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Friday, April 22, 2011
Kentucky Center for the Arts
Suitable Ages: Depends on the performance
Cost: Varies, depending on the performance

The theater is located in downtown Louisville which is an adventure all it's own. You will be seeing many more entries on it- my favorite so far being Ley's Antiques- but that is another entry for another night. Parking is cheap across the street in the bank garage.
If you go: You will most likely need a babysitter because the theater isn't usually a place for small children. Most people dressed business casual or better. DO NOT BE LATE! Doors close when the curtain goes up and if you are not in your seat, you're out of luck until intermission. Small souveniers, snacks and drinks are sold in the lobby.
Raven Run
Suitable Ages: Any
Cost: Free
Fort Boonesborough

Friday Night Flick
Suitable Ages: All
Cost: Free

Welcome to Family Life in Kentucky