- Salato Wildlife Park
- Friday Night Flicks (of course!)
- Ride the Duck
- Elizabeth town and the Coca Cola Museum
- Kings Island
- Hiking at High Bridge
- Mammoth Cave
- Tour of Frankfort
- Land Between the Lakes and Natural Bridge
- Blueberry, Pancakes and Daylilies Jubilee in Paris
- McConnell Springs
- Hiking in the Daniel Boone National Forest
- Shop at the Longest Yard Sale (127sale.com)
- A trip to Washington D.C.- but that doesn't really count because it isn't in KY.
Of course, we will also have a large helping of trips to the local libraries and public pools. We also didn't pencil in any star gazing, firefly catching, fishing in our pond, lemonade stands, or fireworks on the 4th of July. I also promised my kids I would take them to the cemetary down the street so they could do some rubbings of the headstones that are too old to read. (Kind of creepy I know, but hey- what the heck?)
So there you go- our summer plans. What are yours? I can't wait to get started!
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